Friday, February 26, 2010

Best food to buy as organic

According to his article the best fruit and veg to buy organic (due to their thin skins):

sweet bell peppers
grapes (imported)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2010-02-24 Weights and Run

Lunch Time: Weights in Crunch

Preacher Curl: 8KG x 15, 10KG x 12, 12KG x 10
Cable Row in Squat: 90 x15, 100 x 12, 110 x 10
Triceps (hold db like lower phase of db press + lower db to shoulder and back up.)
9KG x 15 and 10KG x 12

After work: Run 5KM with work

Morning - 2 shredded wheat with low fat milk and handful of blackberries
Morning snack - orange and a few almonds.
Pre-exercise - handful of red grapes (for suger -
Lunch: Chicken, peppers, celery, sweetcorn, beetroot with olive oil.
Afternoon snack - chicken wrap from Mortons
Dinner: Cheddar cheese ommlette and chicken fillet

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2010-02-24 - Weekly routine

This is my planned current schedule:

Monday lunch: HIIT session
Monday after work: Resistance Training (weights)

Tuesday lunch: Spin class
Tuesday after work: Run

Wednesday lunch: HIIT session
Wednesday after work: Resistance Training (weights)

Thursday lunch: HIIT session
Thursday lunch: Run

Friday lunch: Spin class

Saturday morning: weights

2010-02-23 Spin Class

Went to Spin Class at Crunch over lunch time.
Triceps still sore from personal training session on Saturday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2010-02-22 - Interval and weights

201-02-22 - Monday at Crunch

After spending most of January working off the Nov/Dec feeding fest I am now back to regular exercise.

Lunchtime: Invertal Session on treadmill
5 minutes warm up then starting at 3 minutes (@ 13 KPH) and active rest at half hat (@ 10 KPH). Repeat, for 2:30, 2:00, 1:30, 1:00 and 30.

(Can perform a ladder up from 30 to 3:00). Only managed to complete the 1:30 today.

Have been going back to personal trainer for several free sessions. This workout does some of the exercises based on this:

- DB Press 14KG x 20 rep, 22KG x 8 rep, 20KG x 9, 14KG by 12 - felt this in the forearms in the last set

- DB Pullover 14KG x 15 and 16KG x 12 reps