Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week 1 - PHA workout 3


Did a full PHA workout before work. Grabbed an orange on the way to be bus.

- Let knee felt off during the step up but only for one rep. This may have been caused by me going too low in a squat as encouraged by a bystanding gym instructor.
- Low back is usually the first body part of feel tired during this workout. I know I have a lower back so it may be time to work on strengthen it.

Week 1 - PHA workout 2


Did a lunch time PHA session in Coral. Due to the time constraints I only did up to the first shoulder press.

As a weekly check I'll be doing a weekly weigh in using one of the machines at the gym. While it is very hard to messure body fat accurate the hope is that measuring it under the same conditions will show a downward trend! And the results are:

Weight: 12st 11lb / 81.5 kg
Body fat 29.1 %

This was taken after exercise, at lunch time, well hydrated.

After work I went for a 2.2k run, slow pace.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The workout

I've decided to follow a Peripheral Heart Action (PHA) exercise programme for the next couple of months. It's worked for me before with a different programme but the principles are the same - move the blood from upper to lower body to make the workout hard and more of a cardio-vascular (CV) challenge.

I will be doing this working for the next 6 weeks, 4 times a week before moving onto the next phase of training.

The work out consists of:

- warm up for 5 minutes - usual do this on a rowing machine at 36 RPM and at the highest setting (10) on the drum of rower

- Press-up x 20
- Squat with dumb bells (db) (7 kg)
- Step up x 1 minute per leg

step up and down on steps leading into gym area; stepping up two steps at a time leading with each leg for 1 minute before switching

- Press-up x 20
- Squat with dumb bells (db) 20 reps/8 kg db
- Lunge x 30 secs per leg

currently holding no weights, hands on hips. 30 seconds per leg then switch

- Lateral raise x 15 reps/8 kg db
- Leg raise x 20 sec per leg

using steps, step up one step and raise leg behind, step down

- step-jog x 30 sec per leg

again using steps, step up one step and back down at fast pace

- Reverse flye x 15 reps/6 kg db
- Ball Squat x 20 reps

Placing gym ball between wall and back, lean back inot ball when squating.

- Step-ups x 1 minute per leg
- Reverse flye x 15 reps/7 kg db
- Ball Squat x 20 reps
- Lunge
- Shoulder Press x 20 reps/8 kg
- Ball hamstring curl
- Side-leg lift x 30 sec per leg

again using steps,, with left or right side to the steps, step up and raise leg as high as possible

- Shoulder Press x 20 reps/8 kg
- Ball hamstring curl x 20 reps
- step-jog x 30 sec per leg
- Basic crunch x 30 reps
- Reverse curl x 20 reps

- Cool down
- Stretch

The Rules

I've created this blog in an attempt to get fit after a rather bad year of mistakes training for my 2nd marathon. My goals are:

a) complete the workouts I've set for myself over the next few months
b) get to 12% body fat
c) gain back my fitness that I've lost by concentrating only on running
d) re-taining for a marathon at a pace I feel comfortable with and enjoy

I will change the above into SMART goals sound but these are the broad goals. And now for the rules. Instead of writing up each day what I've done as it should be the same I'm writing down the rules that I first used to loose all the weight, tone up and get fit. When I break these rules I'll write it up.

The rules:
1. Drink 2 litres of water a day
2. Add at least one cup of green tea a day
3. Eat 6 to 8 times day - small and oftern
4. Breakfast should be wheatbix or All bran or porridge.
5. Stick with it at the weekends
6. Have a mid-moring and mid-afternoon snack of either yoghurt and fruit or handful of mixed nuts or combo of all 3.
7. Go for a salad with some meat for lunch (avoid dressing and only use a tbsp of olive oil and lemon juice)
8. For dinner have a steak/fish or chicken
9. Stop eating after 8:00 or if not at least 2 hours before bed
10. If hungry after 8:00 go for low fat yogurt (those Irish yogurts - the Diet ones are great).
11. Never go hungry.
12. Use a stopwatch to time hungry pangs. After eating, kick it off. If after 20 minuts and still hungry eat something.
13. Avoid starchy carbs like breads or pasta.